100 Caminhos incorporates the eclecticism and flexibility of the traditional brass quintet, embracing these popular qualities in an ambitious project that aims to promote, spread and register new cultural manifestations, in articulation with all other art forms. With a particular focus and philosophy upon the challenges that classical music new compositions and spectrum face in modern times, and willing to promote vibrant new scores for brass quintet from a number of composers sharing similar perspectives, the group carries suitable elements in its genesis, due to crossed references and experiences lived in central Europe and East and strong conceptual references incorporated from the North American brass culture legacy. Maintaining a strong rudder upon medium term goals, and embedded in its philosophy’s purpose, 100 Caminhos doesn’t neglect the perfect stimulus for players, audiences and future works that brass quintet original music and priceless adaptations provided us, through the great legacy of authors from Leonard Bernstein toWitold Lutoslawski, perpetuating the concept of truthful and strong emotions shared on stage.